Image Cropper

its is a tool for crops image. online many tool have to crop image. example your image some part you don't want so what you do. you much crop your image in picture cropper.
tooler 79 picture cropper :
tooler79 create image cropper for here all our use can crop image. now we all need image in online many platform. so everywhere not use same image. for we need to image size for use our project. like logo and banner image are not same size. so you use your logo and banner. before you use need to resize image.
how to use image cropper:
very simpole to use image cropper. you just uplod image in our image cropper and selected you size. what size you want your image. after you selected then click crop button. after click crop button your picture is ready for downlod.
you can use image link or url in url box.
how many image size we have :
- (16:9)px
- (4:3)px
- (1:1)px
- 4.(2:3)px
- 5.(freeform)
free form is after you uplod image no need to select size. there our tool auto crops your image is good qulati.